Mental Health Support

Supporting you mentally and emotionally through your journey of being a doula.

In such a personal, intimate profession, it’s inevitable that you’ll be experiencing a lot of emotions that run the gamut — both from your clients and yourself. At Allo Doula Academy, we are passionate about offering our doulas the support they need to thrive in all aspects of their career. That extends to mental health as well.

You can learn everything there is to know about the birth journey, but the mental and emotional aspects of the business are truly unique to every individual. We believe strongly in destigmatizing conversations around mental health, and giving our doulas the resources and community to keep their mind and soul healthy as they continue to do this important, inherently emotional work.

We offer a monthly Coffee & Conversations event for our community of Allo Doula Academy doulas and parents/caretakers via our Facebook group, and also refer our doulas to trusted mental health professionals (such as therapists and psychiatrists) as needed.

Contact us if you’d like support — we’re just one click away.