Additional Doula Support

Additional support through the journey of a lifetime.

The process of birth and growing a family is the journey of a lifetime — literally. And even if you’re not looking to invest in a doula, postpartum, or night nanny package, we know that a LOT of questions and needs arise before and after the baby is born!

We offer a wide range of ongoing solutions and one-time consulting care services to suit your needs. From car seat inspection to newborn care, here’s some additional support we offer as needed:

Childbirth Education

Our childbirth education is designed by doulas.  We’ve spent years listening to our clients and supporting them in labor and birth at hospitals, birth centers and their homes.  We know how to prepare families in a way that is not overwhelming.  Our childbirth education equips families with a strong understanding of essential elements that will help them understand options available to them.  Parents learn about the physiology of birth, prenatal activities to support birth, medical interventions and why they are used and how to communicate your goals to medical staff.  In addition, families will have the trusted support of a doula to help them put this knowledge to use during the high energy hours of labor. 

Newborn Care Classes

Newborns require care 24 hours a day. Bringing them home from the hospital can be daunting and overwhelming, causing you to wonder if your gut is steering you in the right direction about all things that they do: wondering if they are eating enough, sleeping too much, not enough, and anything else running through your mind.  We provide care for the family, meeting you exactly where you are and helping you to create a plan to get you through those first few weeks.  Bathing, Umbilical cord care, reflexes, development, swaddling, wearing your baby, not wearing your baby, and sleep. We give you that information while also giving you a reprieve.

Lactation & Feeding Support

Supporting a breastfeeding relationship, bottle-feeding relationship, or a combination thereof, listening to the mom’s needs through this process and experience. We can help with everything from creating a routine, back-up support overnight, back to work prep, and problem solving for any feeding issues that may arise. The care can be provided by the appropriate professional.

CPR Training & Certification

This course will prepare your family for any type of emergency involving infants, children, adults and elderly. The course can be tailored to best fit your family’s needs and there is an opportunity to receive a certification card if you wish to complete the full course. Topics Include: Basic First Aid, Adult CPR, Infant/Child CPR, Choking, Shock, Stroke, Concussions, and Hypothermia.

Car Seat Inspections

Bringing home a new baby in an infant car seat? How about changing your car seat from rear-facing to forward-facing? Or, thinking about upgrading to a booster side and can’t decide if it’s the right time? We can help! We are happy to offer private car seat inspections by our certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST).  Every car seat should be inspected in your vehicle to ensure safe installation and proper fit of the child. This service can be added on to any other Allo Doula Academy package.

Belly Binding

Bengkung Belly Binding is an ancient art of wrapping the abdomen shortly after giving birth and into the postpartum period. The wrap gives the healing belly extra support and stability as the uterus begins to shrink and the abdominal organs begin to move back to normal positions. Additionally, the wrap helps keep the torso and the rest of the body secure and in balance. Belly binding can be a great helper when breastfeeding, as it supports the rib cage and middle back. Even pressure is applied throughout the wrap as it goes around the entire abdominal cavity and in turn, supports the back and posture. Each session involves a warm belly rub with therapeutic herbs to aid in the healing process as well as self-instruction for further wrapping. 

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation is process of taking the placenta after delivery, processing it through cooking/freezing and dehydration, and then processed into capsules for oral ingestion. Allo Doula Academy offers placenta encapsulation services encompassing all Osha and Food preparation guidelines through a certified and trained placenta specialist.

Sibling Care

Adding a new member to your family can be stressful for the kids already here. Let us help you make this transition easier. Care can be provided specifically for the sibling(s) during prenatal, during birth, and after your new addition has arrived. Typical support includes holding space, comforting, explaining the changes and process while recognizing and supporting their needs.

Kinesiology Taping

A therapeutic taping technique useful for physical support of the body, rehab, reducing swelling and inflammation, and providing pain relief. Our doulas are trained to tape for pregnancy and after birth. The benefits for KT taping in pregnancy are support of the belly and abdominal muscles, increased circulation, reduced swelling, improved lymphatic drainage, postural support, and more.