Policies/Procedures, Grievances, Privacy, and Impartiality Statements
Policies and procedures
All students are expected to uphold high standards of professionalism, respect and language when working alongside others. Students shall refrain from engaging in arguments, conflict or anything that could be viewed as disruptive behaviors. If students find themselves in a situation that is escalating towards conflict, it is the student’s responsibility to remove themselves politely and professionally.
Negligence, damage, theft or vandalism to any personal property, school property or clinical location property is strictly prohibited whether intentional or not. Use of supplies and materials may only be used as necessary to perform a task related to the course or clinical experience.
All students will be required to follow HIPAA guidelines during the training program, during clinical experiences and upon certification.
All students are required to provide accurate information and identification to school officials, clinical sites, and other locations as necessary. Forgery, alterations, false information, or misrepresentation of information on school documents, clinical site/location documents and all required paperwork and medical records necessary for clinical experience are prohibited and subject to disciplinary action.
A student may not falsely represent another student during the training program or clinical experience nor provide false identification on identification documents, including badges and IDs.
Any violation of law (state, federal, or local) is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action.
Smoking, vaping, or any use of tobacco is prohibited on school property and clinical experience location sites. Use of alcohol or illegal or illicit drugs is strictly prohibited on school property or clinical experience location. Consumption of any of these during course time or clinical experience will be subject to disciplinary action.
Students are prohibited to possess or carry any weapon or firearm on school property or clinical experience location. Weapons include, but are not limited to the following: firearms, rifles, knives, air guns, shotguns, fireworks, dangerous devices, chemicals, or explosives.
Students and certified persons who have a name change, must request a name change in writing and provide proof of a government issued identification with the name change. Allo Doula Academy will issue a new wallet card within twelve (12) weeks of the request unless the person is due for recertification within six (6) months. If the person is applying for recertification, they will use their new name on the application, and submit proof of identification with the recertification application.
Students requesting accommodations for disabilities for the training program, shall inform Allo Doula Academy during the application process via email or written correspondence. Students may be required to provide documentation of disability to ensure appropriate accommodations are made.
The Allo Doula Academy Training Facility is strictly for academic use during scheduled course hours. Unauthorized entry will result in disciplinary action. Campus doors will remain locked outside of class hours.
All equipment belonging to Allo Doula Academy will be treated with respect. Use of such equipment is only permitted during course hours or with pre-approved faculty permission.
All students will have access to Allo Doula Academy WI-FI. All access to the internet is specifically limited to course use as well as reasonable personal use. Internet access may not be used for any illegal or unlawful purposes and is subject to disciplinary action.
Allo Doula Academy maintains Workman’s’ Compensation insurance for all clinical locations and sites. This insurance covers CPD students and instructors during all clinical experience activities at the clinical location.
Grievance/complaint policy
Student Complaints
A student complaint is defined as an official written form of communication that is submitted by a student to the Allo Doula Academy in which the student explicitly expresses dissatisfaction regarding an instructor or any aspect of the course or program.
A complaint must be submitted in writing to the Allo Doula Academy within 30 days of the occurrence of an incident via email to: training@allodoulaacademy.org (Attn: DIRECTOR) with the word “complaint” and the complainant’s name in the subject line of the email. The submission must include sufficient objective evidence to substantiate the claim(s) and what action the complainant deems appropriate as a response. Dissatisfaction based on hearsay shall not be considered. The complainant must have experienced it firsthand. Anonymous complaints will not be considered. Complaints will be handled in an unbiased and timely manner. A receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged, and Allo Doula Academy will provide progress reports as applicable. Allo Doula Academy assumes responsibility for investigating the claim and verifying any information to validate the complaint. Allo Doula Academy will formally notify the student or complainant with final results.
Allo Doula Academy is committed to maintaining confidentiality and privacy as it relates to the complaint and the entire complaint-handling process.
The Allo Doula Academy Director will handle all complaints at this time, unless the complaint is against the Director, and then it shall be handled by the Agency Director.
Complaints or Grievances Against a Certificate Holder
Any complaint or grievance against a CPD certificate holder must be submitted to the National Doula Certification Board and must meet one of the following grievances:
A specific violation of the Certified Professional Doula’s Standards of Professional Practice
Submitted in writing by the individual who is making the complaint
Supported by definitive and specific evidence
Made against a current holder of an CPD doula certification/credential
A complaint must be submitted in writing to the National Doula Certification Board within 30 days of the occurrence of an incident via email with the word “complaint” and the complainant’s name in the subject line of the email. The complaint and all related documentation will be handled discretely and all information pertaining to the complaint will be kept confidential, including personal details that could be used to identify the person making the complaint.
Once a complaint is filed, the complainant agrees to keep all information pertaining to the complaint completely confidential. They will not discuss the matter on any social media platform and will not discuss any details of the complaint with anyone.
If it is determined that more information is required, this will be requested of the complainant and a specific time in the future will be set as a date by which the information or evidence must be submitted. If the information is not received within that time, a decision will be made based on the evidence initially provided. If it is determined that no further action is warranted, the complainant will be informed of the decision in writing of the outcome of the initial evaluation. If the preliminary investigation supports the complaint, the National Doula Certification Board chairperson will decide how to respond to that complaint. Each case will be handled individually depending on the details of the case. If the preliminary investigation of the evidence supports a valid complaint, the individuals named in the written complaint will be sent a “Notice of Complaint” by email. Within ten (10) days of a final decision being rendered, the findings will be communicated to the subject of the complaint.
Privacy and confidentiality
Allo Doula Academy ensures information obtained during the education and certification process from the student or sources other than the student will not be disclosed to any unauthorized party without the written consent of the student. Allo Doula Academy will notify the person concerned when Allo Doula Academy is required by law to reveal confidential information about that person.
Allo Doula Academy and all students shall maintain confidentiality of all such confidential information (including but not limited to, personal information, personal stories and experiences shared by others, client information, client medical information, training program content and education resources, course work, presentations, handouts and materials, and any other information presented in the training program) and without obtaining the written consent of the other party, and shall not disclose any confidential information to third parties or any other parties.
Statement of impartiality and management of conflict of interest
Allo Doula Academy (ADA) is committed to impartiality and management of conflict of interest through the following steps:
Top management staff stress the importance of never compromising on our commitment to impartiality, independence, or integrity.
ADA staff and students understand the importance of impartiality and any potential conflicts of interest in carrying out its training and certification process.
ADA shall act impartially in relation to its applicants, students, and candidates.
ADA does not discriminate, nor unfairly impede or inhibit access on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of its activities or operations.
ADA applies their policies and procedures fairly among all applicants, students, candidates, and certified persons.
While educational prerequisites to our training programs may apply, ADA does not restrict certification on grounds of financial or other limiting conditions, nor requirement of membership in any association or group.
ADA does not allow commercial, financial, or other pressures to compromise impartiality
ADA shall act impartiality in relation to family, friends, and other close relationships should they be enrolled in any program or activities
ADA has procedures in place to guard against known conflicts of interest to ensure impartial judgments.